Tuesday 4 December 2012

Sergei Eisenstein & Lev Kuleshov

Sergei Eisenstein

Eisenstein believed that film montage could create ideas or have an impact beyond the individual images. Two or more images edited together create a "tertium quid" (third thing) that makes the whole greater than the sum of its individual parts.

5 kinds of montage

Metric Montage - length or duration of film in a montage - clips edited together, or constant intervals. different tempo for the structure of the montage.

Rhythmic Structure - Play against the metre, could be unsynchronised with beat of the editing. Tension in sequence

Tonal Montage - Melody for emotion - using light in certain ways, different lighting strategies to change the mood etc. 

Overtonal Montage - Texture of objects in the shots, what happens to the object. The effect light has on the objects and how it touches the props objects.

Intellectual Montage - The use of symbols or well known items that everyone will recognise

Lev Kuleshov – The Kuleshov Effect

The Kuleshov Effect was thought up by Lev Kuleshov, the initial effect of it is to bring out the emotions of the audience. What the audience will see is maybe an emotional scene where someone could be dying, and the camera will switch back and forth from the emotional occurrence and another person, showing a very blank face, with almost no emotion whatsoever,  the camera will usually be a close up of extreme close up, only showing the persons expressions. So overall the effect is to make the audience feel involved, and become emotional towards what has happened, and think about why the person is showing no emotion.

Friday 23 November 2012

Character Analysis

Draco Malfoy

Blond hair is usually associated with purity, confidence or innocence, t could also be associated with stupidness.
but in Malfoy’s case it makes him look cocky, self assured and smarmy 
His slicked back hair signifies to the audience that he is self obsessed or concerned with looks, could make him look vain
He look because……

Aryan race (pure blood)

Inline images 1

Rubeus Hagrid 

Hagrid is an extremely positive character, he is always enthusiastic, even during rough times. He is very welcoming towards anyone and is very smiley! Also, Hagrid is almost fatherly like with Harry. He is always complimenting people and giving good advice whenever it is needed, as well as being a caring character he is constantly helpful working in the grounds of Hogwarts. He dresses quite scruffy and in dim colours which suits him as he is quite messy as well as a groundskeeper so the colours of his outfit in ways match his surroundings.

Rubeus Hagrid is an enthusiastic and cheerful character who is always thoughtful towards others and relatively fatherly towards Harry. He is constantly giving advice to the students and he is always positive during the hardest of times. Many of the students go to him for help since he is a caring and helpful person and always making them feel welcome. His appearance can seem scruffy and dirty but deep down he is soft and gentle person


Prof Dumbledore is a major character in series of films. He is a loving and wise man that helps Harry grow up. He is mysterious closed and secretive and you don’t find out about his life until the last few films after he dies. His style dress is quirky and interesting and suggests academic gowns.

Has a very big role in the Harry Potter films. His appearance is very magical and this is demonstrated by the style of his robes which includes stars and necklaces. He has a very mysterious and secretive character and you only really get a sense of what he is like in the last couple of films before he dies. He only confides in a few characters. The mysteriousness of this character has the effect of extending audience interest.  

Is one of the main characters in the Harry Potter series. He is closed off secretive character but he enjoys teaching harry about the magical enters from book one and seems to think particularly fondly of him. Although he the loudest character in the films he is a very brave intelligent one who seems to put others before himself. He is a very magical character clothes and character wise. The robes that he wears especially suggest that he is a smart man and his wizard hat emphasises that he is a magical character. The beard also implies a certain level wisdom about his character and the colour contrast between his dark grey clothes and his lighter grey beard suggests that he is quite a neutral man- this could also reflect back on his fairly consistent personality.

Severus Snape is quite a major character with a dark and sinister appearance. He is shifty and deceptive, with an unsettling look.

Is a mysterious character that keeps the audience guessing whether he is good or bad. His first appearance makes him look particularly evil with his dark looks. These being his robes, hair and physical looks (pallid and sallow).

Is a dark and complicated character to understand. The way he acts suggests that he is shifty and evil person but nearer the end of the movies he turns out to be good. He seems bitter and cold towards the students he teaches as if not wanting to show his true colours.
 Long black hair
Tall deceptive
Unsettling stare
Droning voice
Snape = snake serpent like
Black hearted
Sallow skin
Short temper

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Livvy & Sam Chase Scene

Harry Potter Mise En Scene

Harry Potter Mise En Scene Analysis

The location of the sorting hat scene takes place in the Great Hall of Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. It clear as soon as the doors open into the room that it is a school  dining hall, with many students. You can see the ancient torches as the new pupils enter the hall, and whilst they walk in you can see the extravagance of the whole building, the whole fantasy genre really comes into place when you see the floating candles above the congregations, and the magical ceilings. You see the sorting hat, which is the hat that decides what house each pupil should join, and it talks, and has a conscious so it is able to think, already there are magical things occurring. 
The mood seems to be extremely welcoming, a very warm environment, the colours are relatively bright, the candles give off an orange glow, a well as the torches on the walls, you can see that the new pupils has entered a very special and extraordinary place. All pupils are wearing gowns, this suggests they are special, and different from an average human or ‘muggle’. Some props that are used include the floating candles and the sorting hat. These props suggest that extraordinary things happen in Hogwarts.


The costume’s used for each teacher is different, they all look very old, yet elegant, and very smart. All pupils are wearing cloaks or gowns, this suggests they are special, or gifted in some way.
Dumbledore is clearly shown as a classic wizard, wearing a long cloak outfit, a long beard and hair, a hat and glasses, this suggests he is a very wise wizard.Professor Mc Gonagall is wearing a long velvet green cloak which swishes when she moves, making her character seem important, the richness of the fabric also indicates her status in the school. 
All these features of the actors costume suggest the genre is likely to be fantasy. Things like their pointed hats, long cloaks, etc, all suggest they are wizard-like.
Dumbledore’s costume is extremely elegant, and smart, whereas Hagrid’s is quiet messy and looks maybe homemade. You can see between these two characters the importance of each member of staff in the film. Some characters are very neat, and tidy, like Dumbledore or Professor McGonagall, and then someone like Filch, the caretaker is relatively messy.


The lighting at the beginning of this scene is relatively bright, which shows Hogwarts is a very warm and welcoming place. The lighting also helps the mood of excitement and anticipation of what the new pupils are going to experience.
The lighting throughout the scene stays the same, which shows that the whole of this scene is bright and cheerful, a celebration of the beginning of a new school year and the selection of new pupils into their new school houses. 

Character Movement & Expression

Dumbledore is located right in the middle of the Great Hall, in a large chair, showing he is the most important member of staff, he has a very serious, but calm look on his face. 

Friday 9 November 2012

As much as possible to this date, on this analysis of Pirates of the Caribbean 

Textual Analysis Task:
Thoroughly analyze the clip and comment on the 4 areas, camera, editing, sound & mise-en-scene. Use your definition sheets to help you.

Once you have identified the technique go on to say why you think the technique was used. 
For example:
“The extreme wide shots of the ship following the other ship across the sea shows the proximity of danger to the heroes in this chase.”   

Complete this grid by TUESDAY 06/11/12: my email dajoy@kentcollege.co.uk

Camera, Angles, Shots, movement & position. 

0.0-1 minute 
The first shot is an establishing shot. Showing where the scene is taking place, and what is going on. It is a low angle shot, so the audience feel like they are in the scene, and helping you to realise how big the waves are, and how rough the sea is.You can also sea the ship being followed by another, the low angle shot is also an extreme wide shot, showing the proximity between each ship.At 5 seconds, there is a reaction shot from a character, showing her emotion. This is also a close up/medium close up. At 6 seconds there is a low angle medium close up and a low angle shot of another character shouting. 

At 10 seconds there is another reaction shot from the same woman. This gives the affect that there could be many different emotions 

A boat is shown coming in from behind, this is a long shot, immediately after a high angle or ariel shot of the woman is shown, as she begins to climb. The camera stays at the same angle a she climbs up, this could give an affect of another crew member’s point of view as she climbs past them. Then at 22 seconds, a medium close up is shown of the woman steering the ship. At 41 Jack Sparrow is shown for the first time, a full body shot of him being dragged along buy a man with larger authority. 
Cutting, Sequence, Continuity,
Cuts become more frequent as the time goes on, giving the affect that many different things are happening, and as they get faster and faster, the camera movements are at a fast pace too, more action is occurring. There is a wide angle shot where is shows both boats, showing how close the two actually are.
There is diegetic sound that you can hear, this is the waves crashing against the boat. There is also background music adding suspense and affect to the scene. At 6 seconds dialogue is heard for the first time. (shouting) YOu can also hear other background voices, (This could be non-diegetic) 
Incidental music has been playing throughout the first scene, building suspense and creating an atmosphere, The music helps to dramatise the actions of everyone, for the audience, they may not actually notice the music, however it will keep them endured in the film.
Colour design, blue’s blacks, (darker colours)The location is in unknown waters of the sea. Smoke and mist surrounding ship giving it a haunting manner. As well as creating a dark, atmosphere. There are many small inclusions the director and editors have included, which may again become un noticed  by the audience, even though they are clear indications to simplify roles of different people, etc. There are a few cuts of the woman steering the ship including at 33 seconds, you can see she is wearing a larger, maybe more sophisticated hate than the other pirates, this could hint that she is more important than other pirates. Again, the colours are still relatively dark, this could indicate that bad things are yet to come, they make the atmosphere very dark and gloomy. Attire of most characters are dark, keeping to the colour design.

A side shot is then shown of Jack Sparrow looking through a gap in the ship, straight after a point of view shot from Jack Sparrow shows the view from the gap, helping the audience to understand what he is seeing, and maybe make them feel more involved with what is occurring. There is then a following shot from the ship being, now showing the audience what is happening on the other ship, and making it clear they ae being followed.

2-3 minutes 
The first thing you can see after the first minute has passed, is a close up shot of one pirate, shouting at another. Then a side shot of cannons, showing they are about to be used. A flag is then being shown at a low angle shot at 1:19. Cannon balls are then shown being passed from crew members, ready to be shot, this could be a close up or medium shot of each of their hands passing them along. A camera from the same level of the deck of the boat shows a barrel being thrown off, it then slightly pans right to then turn into a high angle showing the barrel land in the sea. There is then a medium close up of a man moving a box at 1:26. Then at 1:29 there is a low angle, possibly sea level shot of a man leaning over the boat, holding on to ropes. Then  a medium close up of him is shown, however this is from the boat. parallel to him. at 1:30. There is a tilt at 1:35 first showing a mans foot, then rising up to reveal all his body, this gives an affect of him looking down on people, giving him a higher priority or authority. There is then an ariel, or establishing shot at 1:40 showing both ships close to each other in the sea. This could also be an Enigma shot.
At 1:44 there is a close of of a main character followed by their point of view of the other ship. 
Again there are many quick and short cuts of different area’s of the ship.
Overlapping is used to show different areas of the action, everyone is preparing for a fight. 
The first pirate speaking mentions cannons, then cannons are shown straight after. (Relevant Dialogue) 

Diegetic sound is occurring, you can sometimes hear the sea, this could also be non diegetic sound as at some points the sea is louder than other times. Also when the cannon holes open you can hear them flap open. Sound of the wind is another diegetic sound. although this again could have been emphasised.

The scene colour design is still roughly the same, sky is blue, with clouds, slightly misty is some places, the costumes are the same, which is key because it is the same time as before so there aren’t any costume mistakes. 
3-4 minutes 
At 3 minutes, the first shot is a close up of the monkey in a pirates hands, there is a slight zoom, leading into an extreme close up of the mans face. There is then an underwater, medium shot of the anchor crashing into a rock at 3:03, then immediately after it cuts to close ups of ropes tightening, then at 3:05 there is a wide angle of the whole front of the boat being held back by the anchor.  

There is diegetic but enhanced sound of the anchor crashing against the rock. Throughout, music is still heard to enhance the atmosphere. You can also hear waves crashing against the boat.

4-4.20 minutes

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Chase Sequence Analysis

This clip keeps the audience interested during the whole scene, by simply having many cuts from different perspectives. The majority of the chase was following shots, as well as point of view, extreme close ups. At 0:18 there is a reaction shot, showing a group of people realising that James Bond is heading towards them. At 0:26 an establishing shot takes place, showing the audience where the actors are, what the surroundings are like, etc.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

This sequence of clips shows many different types of camera work and styles. Livvy and I each did a version of the style. We have recently looked at many other clips from films etc to get to know different camera angles, styles and techniques, after becoming familiar with a few different types, we were asked to make a short clip showing each one individually. Some we struggled with more then others, some were not extremely perfect, but this is a rough guide of some styles and techniques you can use. Enjoy

Tuesday 25 September 2012

A continuity edit is where a style of edit where for example, a person is walking through a door, etc, and as they keep walking through etc, a relatively unnoticeable cut is made, show the person from a different perspective. although the audience is not disrupted or confused by the change of placement of the camera. The aim of this clip was to show different types of continuity edits, keeping to the 180 degree rule, and attempting to keep the shots as smooth as possible. There a a few mistakes which my group did not realise during filming. But apart from that there are many small short and smooth cuts showing a continuity edit. Enjoy!